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Diary Entry

January 20, 2009 






Dear Diary, 


Today was Inauguration Day (a day when the new president is sworn in as the president of U.S.A.). 


At 9:55 we arrived at the North Portico of the White house when I met my predecessor Mr. Bush standing beside Mrs. Bush. Mr. Cheney (vice president for Mr. Bush) and Mrs. Cheney were accompanying him.  Accompanying me were Mr. and Mrs. Biden (My vice president and wife). 


At noon, I noticed hundreds of thousands of flags shimmering, and I could hear the melodious trumpets performing majestic tunes fit for the occasion. 


As I walked onto the stage, I could hear boisterous chants ('OBAMA! OBAMA!').  Moments later, I said the oath with one slight mistake of accidentally interrupting the speaker. 


I felt confident in the long journey ahead of me with Michelle, Malia and Sasha aside me. 


Although the day was filled with many silver linings there was one dark cloud. Today, my great friend and supporter Ted Sorensen (JFK's friend) died. 


At night many guests came in to congratulate me on my achievement. I had to entertain the guests on my own, because Michelle had to get up early for religious matters. 


My mind drifted back to thirty years ago, when I first saw the white house. Would I have dared to dream that I would have been the forty-fourth president living in The White House? 


Barack Obama 

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